February is Black History Month. The DCSS pays tribute to African Americans throughout history, who overcame adversity and have helped shape our nation!
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
February is Heart Awareness Month and Friday, Feb. 3 is National Wear Red Day. This is a day where we can bring greater attention to heart disease as a leading cause of death for Americans. We are asking students, faculty, and staff to wear red on Friday!
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
feb 3
TESTING THE TEMPERATURE: CURRICULUM NIGHT- The Family Engagement Department is hosting Curriculum Night on Tuesday, February 28, 2023. This will be from 6pm-7pm in the Dooly K8 Elementary Cafeteria. See the flyer below for more details. Come out and join us! Please RSVP to Ms. Starks by February 3, 2023. Register in English: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=_2z2glaSR0Gh9EWzHPXcCpkGjGQ83chDtmBHuwpeYutUMFlHSEYwV0hHUUtJQUtRUFpONEs0OU1OWC4u Register in Spanish: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=_2z2glaSR0Gh9EWzHPXcCpkGjGQ83chDtmBHuwpeYutUQzU3R1o4Tk9VT0JCMEVLR0lBVDlCU05MSy4u
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
The DCSS 21st CCLC After School Program would like for parents to complete this survey. It is to collect information from parents for an opportunity we would like to provide through our family services. Use the link and QR Code on the flyer to sign up. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
Good morning Bobcats! The Department of Federal Programs will be having a Title III Part A Meeting: Parent Appreciation Breakfast and Informational Training on Thursday, February 2, 2023 from 8:30-9:30 AM. This meeting will be at the Dooly K8 Academy in the elementary cafeteria. Join us and learn about Title III, Part A Supplemental Services for students and parents. Registration Links and More info Below: English Registration: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=_2z2glaSR0Gh9EWzHPXcCpkGjGQ83chDtmBHuwpeYutUM0Y5OUlZSkVWUkk5NU9FN1NHMVFHM0paWi4u Spanish Registration: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=_2z2glaSR0Gh9EWzHPXcCpkGjGQ83chDtmBHuwpeYutUQjFJRUI3SVE3RE5aRk05VTFWU1BDNEVXRC4u
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
WE ARE HIRING! Here are the latest Dooly County School System Vacancies:
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
we are hiring
The Dooly County Board of Education will have a regular board meeting on Thurs., Jan. 19, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in room 101 of the Central Office. The public may view the meeting via Facebook Live from the Dooly County School System Facebook page.
about 2 years ago, Public Relations
Good morning Bobcats! Come out to STEAM Family Night tonight from 5:00-6:15 PM. This event is hosted by 21st CCLC After School. Students must be enrolled in the 21st CCLC After School Program to attend. We hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
steam english
steam spanish
Greetings, Dooly County 21st C.C.L.C. parents, Due to the level three severe weather threat and potentially hazardous road conditions, the Dooly County School 21st C.C.L.C. after-school program will not meet today. Instead, students are asked to use their regular method of transportation home at the end of the regular school day. Dooly County 21st C.C.L.C. after-school is taking this precautionary measure to maintain the safety of all students and staff. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Public Relations
P-EBT Benefits DHS Issues Additional 2022 Benefits to Eligible Children The Georgia Department of Human Services’ (DHS) Division of Family & Children Services began issuing a third round of 2021-22 P-EBT benefits in December, this time covering the 2022 summer months for eligible children. Families with SNAP-enrolled children ages 0-5 and 5 who turned 6 during the school year, as well as K-12 students who participated in the National School Lunch Program, are eligible for the one-time $391 benefit issuance. SNAP recipients will have the benefits loaded onto their current head of household’s EBT card. Children who are no longer receiving SNAP will have the P-EBT benefits loaded to their head of household’s previous EBT card, provided the state can match the child’s identity from a previous year. Eligible non-SNAP students will receive a P-EBT card or, where applicable, have the benefits loaded onto a prior P-EBT card if they received benefits in a past P-EBT issuance. If this is the first benefit issuance to an eligible child, a new card will be provided Please click the link below for frequently asked questions and answers including eligibility, replacement cards, benefits not received, etc.: https://dfcs.georgia.gov/services/pandemic-electronic-benefit-transfer P-EBT FAQs
about 2 years ago, Public Relations
peach logo
FYI: January 2023 Food Bank Notice
about 2 years ago, Public Relations
food pantry dates 2023 January
CCU Food Giveaway AD Jan 2023
Happy New Year Bobcats, This is a reminder that all students will report back to school on Wednesday, January 4th. Faculty and staff will report back on Tuesday, January 3rd. Stay safe!
about 2 years ago, Public Relations
REGULAR BOARD MEETING NOTICE The Dooly County Board of Education will have a regular board meeting on Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in room 101 of the Central Office located at 202 E. Cotton, Street, Vienna, GA 31092. The public may view the meeting via Facebook Live from the Dooly County Schools Facebook page.
about 2 years ago, Public Relations
ATTENTION ALL DOOLY AND CRISP COUNTY STAKEHOLDERS: Please be sure to review and follow these guidelines for the Dooly vs Crisp County basketball games on tomorrow, December 16, 2022 from the DCHS Athletic Director.
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
Tune into Facebook Live today, December 12th at 11 AM, for a major announcement from the Dooly County School System.
about 2 years ago, Public Relations
Dooly Stakeholders, Please be advised of the December 2022 Food/Drive Pantry dates for Dooly County. The first date is Friday, December 2nd.
about 2 years ago, Public Relations
food give away dec 2 flyer
food give away dec flyer
Check out our two recently added policies for public review on our home page. We appreciate your feedback!
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
Come Join Us- On Monday, December 12, 2022 Mr. Muhammad and the Golden Sound of The South Band will be having its winter concert at 6:00 PM at the Dooly K8 Academy. The concert will also include art exhibits from Mrs. Darter's art class, and a choral/instrumental from Mr. Street's students. We hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
winter band concert
Dooly County High School will have Dual Enrollment Night on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 @ 6 pm in the media center. We hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
de night
Community Announcement: This Holiday Season, Christ Chapel Unadilla will be collecting at least 100 pairs of shoes and socks to donate to the homeless in Macon, GA. They are collecting the following: Men's Shoes/Socks-Avg Size 10+. All donations are to be received by Sunday, November 20th. For any questions, please contact the CCU Church Office at 478.627.9352 or email: christchapelunadilla@gmail.com.
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
image of Shoes for the Homeless