HAPPY NATIONAL COACH DAY- To our Dooly County K-8 and Dooly County High School Coaches. We are grateful to have each and every one of you. Thank you for all that you do for our scholars in and outside of the classroom. #ThisisDooly #Dooly4Life

Homecoming Spirit Week
October 17, 2022; Mix-Match Monday (wear mix-matched clothes)
October 18, 2022; Hats off for the Bobcats Tuesday (wear your favorite hat/cap)
October 19, 2022; Pink Out (wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness)
October 20, 2022; Disco Day (wear your Disco fashion)
October 21, 2022; Spirit Day Friday (wear cardinal and gold)

Community members will have treats for the students in grades Prek-5th grade beginning at 9:00AM Friday, October 28, 2022, at our annual Trunk or Treat.

Good afternoon Bobcats! It is time to elect officers for those who are a part of the Dooly K-8 Parent Steering Committee. The links to nominate are below. Please submit by the deadline: October 4, 2022. Thank you and good luck!
English form:
Spanish form:

Asynchronous Learning Day - Friday, October 7, 2022
Teachers will assign lessons for home study as they deem appropriate.

Early Release and Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 6, 2022 will be an early release day for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Conferences can be scheduled between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM. Please schedule a conference with your child's teacher if you are able to during these times. If you are not able to during the times listed, please reach out to your child's teacher to schedule one at a more convenient time.

Dear Dooly County School System Families,
Due to the potential for severe weather this Friday, Dooly County School System will have an asynchronous learning day on September 30, 2022. Students, faculty, and staff will not report to the schools on 9/30/22. Teachers may assign lessons for home study as they deem appropriate. All after school activities are canceled this Friday as well. Unless there are continued weather-related issues, all students, faculty, and staff are expected to return to school on Monday, October 3, 2022. Please follow the guidance issued in local weather reports and stay safe.
Thank you,
Dr. Craig Lockhart

Dooly K8 Father Walk/ Dads & Donuts 2022 will be on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 7:30 AM. The fee is $2. Please RSVP by October 3rd to Ms. Starks. More info is on the flyer.
English Registration:
Spanish Registration:

Dooly County K-8 Academy Football team will be playing in the playoffs Wednesday, September 28, 2022, with kickoff at 4:00PM. The game will be held at Brooks County High School, 1801 Moultrie HWY, Quitman, GA 31643. We hope to see you there.

Parent Steering Committee Meeting
This meeting will take place in the Dooly County K-8 Academy Cafeteria from 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM.

Dads, please join us Saturday, October 1, 2022, for a Father Walk beginning at 7:30 AM in the Dooly County K-8 Academy parking lot. The walk will end at the Dooly County K-8 Academy cafeteria for Donuts with Dad.

Today is National IT Professional Day. The Dooly County School System would like to say thank you to our awesome IT TEAM: Mrs. Leeza Streetman ( IT Director) and Mrs. Ginny Jackson (IT Specialist). These ladies go above and beyond for us every single day and we are so grateful to have them!

This is a reminder that the September Food Pantry will be held at Christ Chapel Unadilla on September 17th and 24th from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m.

School attendance matters! Attendance offers opportunities to learn, build relationships and access supports. September is Attendance Awareness Month at the DCSS. Remember that "Attendance Matters".

Próximos eventos en Dooly K8
Utilice los siguientes enlaces para registrarse en los eventos.
panecillos con mamá
feria de aprendizaje

Please Register For These Events Using The Following Links:

Greeting parents,
This is a reminder that the Dooly County 21st CCLC program starts today. All registered students in grades K-3, 6, 8, and 10-12 who have registered are expected to remain after school for today's program. Please remember that the program operates Monday-Friday from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM. Dooly County School buses will transport students home at the end of the program day. Parent pickups may be received at the front of the school building. Dooly County 21st CCLC registration is still open and parents are encouraged to enroll their students.

Greeting parents,
This is a reminder that the Dooly County 21st CCLC program starts today. All registered students in grades K-3, 6, 8, and 10-12 who have registered are expected to remain after school for today's program. Please remember that the program operates Monday-Friday from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM. Dooly County School buses will transport students home at the end of the program day. Parent pickups may be received at the front of the school building. Dooly County 21st CCLC registration is still open and parents are encouraged to enroll their students.

Dooly County High School will be opening the pond for community fishing on Saturday, September 17, 2022, from 7:30AM until noon. Please bring your own fishing equipment and bait.

The Dooly K-8 Academy will be having a Grandparents Luncheon on Wednesday September 12, 2022. The cost is $4.00. Please RSVP to Ms. Starks by September 9th, via phone: (229)-645-3421 or email: rondalyn.harris.@dooly.k12.ga.us. Lunch schedules have been included for you to see. We hope to see you there!