​Farmers to Families Produce Boxes will be distributed Friday, April 23rd, at the Dooly K-8 in Pinehurst beginning at 9:00 a.m. on a first come first served basis at the elementary school bus ramp.
almost 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
Any parent of a virtual student, that needs meals for this week, can call the school, and we will schedule a pickup time. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
Congratulations to the March Parent/Family Engagement door prize winner Ms. Sophilia Willis! She will receive a basket of assorted snacks from Ms. Burden.
almost 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
This is a reminder that the Dooly K-8 Academy will host a ZOOM STEM Parent Night for Grades K-8 tonight at 6:00 p.m. STEM PACKETS for the meeting were sent home by students today. Please go to the District website to register and click on the link for the Zoom meeting. You do not have to download the Zoom app to attend this meeting. Door prizes will be given out tonight.
almost 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
The Dooly K-8 Academy will host a ZOOM STEM Parent Night for Grades K-8 on Monday afternoon, March 22, beginning at 6:00 p.m. STEM PACKETS for the meeting are available for pick-up today beginning at 2:00 p.m. thru Monday, March 22, until 5:30 p.m. for virtual students only. Face-to-face students will receive their packets on Monday to take home.
almost 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
The Tuesday, February 23rd Virtual Parent Family Engagement Meeting​ that will be held at 6 p.m. for grades K-12. The meeting will deal with upcoming testing. A door prize will be awarded to a parent attending. The meeting link will be posted on the District website for February 23rd.​
about 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
Dear Dooly County School System Families, We regret to inform you that Dooly County Schools will remain 100% virtual until February 22, 2021. The reason for this sudden change is due to recently issued quarantines for DCSS staff and COVID-related illnesses among faculty, staff, students, and households. The February 22nd date allows us to safely lift existing quarantines and carries us through the upcoming Winter Break. We hope that we can return to the buildings when we are confident that we can better safeguard our students, staff, and their respective families, but unfortunately, this is not the time. Currently, we do not have enough staff available who can provide quality in person services to our students. Once our workforce can safely come back to the building, we will allow students to return. Until that time, students must continue to work online from home. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Respectfully, Dr. Craig Lockhart Superintendent
about 4 years ago, Public Relations
The door prize winners from the January 26, 2021 Virtual Title I Parent/Family Engagement meeting are: Philise Johnson and Minnie Walker! Congratulations on winning a fruit basket! Mrs. Burden will be in contact soon.
about 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
​Bobcat stakeholders - please be advised that the return to physical instruction at school for students has changed to February 1 due to the increase of COVID numbers. All students will continue working virtually until February 1. Thank you for your support and please stay safe!
about 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
Please on the link to register to view the Tuesday, December 15, Title 1 Parent/Engagement Meeting over myON, Infinite Campus and a technology update. After completing the registration, you will be given the link to view the meeting. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=_2z2glaSR0Gh9EWzHPXcCuQbIiqxWJlKr9yEidXzFDRUN1pURE5ETlFNTFVCVVFVMDc0TkhKM05LVS4u
about 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
Congratulations to the door prize winners from last night's Virtual Title 1 Parent/Family Engagement Meeting: Ms. Keeshia Carter and Ms. Rhonda Oglesby! Ms. Burden, DCSS Family Engagement Liaison, will reach out to you about receiving your fruit baskets. Happy holidays!
about 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
Dear Bobcat Nation, On December 13, 2020, the school system has been notified that a staff member has recently tested positive for COVID-19. The staff member was in close proximity to other staff and our boys’ and girls’ basketball teams last week. Out of an abundance of caution, we are transitioning to 100% virtual learning for December 14-18, 2020. All basketball games will be postponed until further notice. While we understand this may be an inconvenience for some, please understand that the safety of our students and staff is the highest priority. As we get ready for Christmas vacation, we ask that everyone please take extra safety precautions so that we all can have a safe and happy holiday season. Respectfully, Dr. Craig Lockhart Superintendent, Dooly County School System
over 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
Título 1 Encuesta de Participación Familiar Involucrar a los padres en la educación De sus hijos Estimados padres, Nuestra escuela lleva a cabo actividades de divulgación a todos los padres y miembros de la familia y apoya las interacciones exitosas de la escuela y la familia. Se agradece su ayuda para planificar estos esfuerzos de compromiso familiar. Por favor complete la siguiente encuesta en un esfuerzo por nosotros para ayudarle a usted y al aprendizaje educativo y al éxito educativo de su hijo. Haga clic aquí para ver la encuesta. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=_2z2glaSR0Gh9EWzHPXcCuQbIiqxWJlKr9yEidXzFDRURFFGSkhOTTMwTjhPWUJJWk03VUMyQk1LVS4u
over 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
Title 1 Family Engagement Survey Engaging Parents in their Child’s Education Dear Parents, Our school conducts outreach to all parents and family members and supports successful school and family interactions. Your help in planning these family engagement efforts is appreciated. Please complete the following survey in an effort for us to help support you and your child’s educational learning and educational success. Please click on the link below for the survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W7JGNHC
over 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman
Please register for the DCSS Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting. The meeting will be held virtually on Tues., Oct. 20, 2020, 6 PM via MS Live Event. Each Registration will entitle you to chance for a Bobcat giveaway at the meeting. Click on the link below to register. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=_2z2glaSR0Gh9EWzHPXcCuQbIiqxWJlKr9yEidXzFDRURThWQURTMDc3Q1VIS0ZUQTlLWDlXWFdKSC4u
over 4 years ago, Leeza Streetman