Greetings parents, The Dooly County Schools 21st Century Community Learning Centers after-school program registration is on-going. We have several slots available in grades K-3, 6, 8, and 10-12. The 21st CCLC afterschool program will provide students with a snack, homework help, academic support, enrichment activities, and field trip experiences. The program will start on September 6, 2022 and operate Mondays-Fridays from 3:30 PM until 6:00 PM daily. If you need another registration form, please contact your child's school. Registrations will be accepted and processed on a first received, first served basis. Once class size capacity is reached students will be placed on a wait list. Thank you and we look forward to working with your family in the 21st CCLC after-school program, Felicia L. Madison, Ed.S. Dooly County Support Services Director/ Dooly County Special Education Director/ Dooly County 21st Century Program Director 202 Cotton Street 11949 Highway 41 Vienna, Georgia 31092 Pinehurst, Georgia 31070 229.268.4761 phone 229.645.3421 229.268.6148 fax 229.645.3840
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
Greetings parents, The Dooly County Schools 21st Century Community Learning Centers after-school program registration is open. The 21st CCLC afterschool program will provide students with a snack, homework help, academic support, enrichment activities, and field trip experiences. The program will start on September 6th, 2022 and operate Mondays thru Fridays from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. daily. Registrations will be accepted and processed on a first received, first served basis. Once class size capacity is reached students will be placed on a wait list. Today, K-8 Academy students in grades Kindergarten through third, sixth and eighth will bring home a gold-colored information and registration form. High school students in grades 10 thru 12 will receive their information and registration forms tomorrow, August 25th.
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
Registration for Pre-K and Kindergarten will be held at the Dooly K-8 Academy on Sat., Aug. 20 from 9 a.m. to noon. Contact Dr. Walters or Ms. Bowens at 229-645-3421 for more info.
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
dooly pre-k and kindergarten registration flyer
Dear Dooly County School System Families, The water main leak in Pinehurst will not be cleared until midday on Friday, August 12th. In efforts to maintain consistency across the school system, Dooly K8 Academy and Dooly County High School will be closed for students, faculty, and staff on Friday, August 12th. Students may receive assignments from teachers to complete on Friday. School leaders will provide direction to faculty and staff regarding work responsibilities. We thank everyone for your patience and understanding. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, August 15th.
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
Dear Dooly K-8 Academy Families, An 8” water main line burst in the City of Pinehurst on Wednesday, August 10, 2022. The water cannot be tested until August 11th, thus making the water unsafe to drink, cook, or wash hands until it has been cleared. Therefore, the Dooly K-8 Academy must be closed on Thursday, August 11th for students, faculty and staff. Dooly K8 faculty and staff will receive directions from school administration regarding work responsibilities. Dooly County High School will remain open for school. All high school students, faculty and staff should report to DCHS on August 11th. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
The Dooly County School System will provide book bags and some school supplies on the first day of school during homeroom at the Dooly K-8 Academy. The following supplies are also needed: Pre-K: baby wipes, box of tissues, hand sanitizer/bottle soap, change of clothes (shirt, pants, underwear); Kindergarten: hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, box of tissues; 1st grade: box of tissues, hand sanitizer, baby wipes; 2nd grade: box of tissues, hand sanitizer, folders with prongs; 3rd grade: box of tissues, hand sanitizer; 4th grade: folders with pockets and prongs, box of tissues, hand sanitizer/bottle soap; 5th grade: box of tissues, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes; 6th-8th grades: (1) 3 ring binder, spiral and composition notebooks, loose leaf notebook paper, 1 pack of pencils Remember school begins July 29.
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
dooly k-8 supply list 2022
You are invited to the Dooly County K-8 Academy Meet and Greet welcoming our new principal, Mr. Carlos Baggage, on July 27th, 5 p.m. in the gym. Open House will begin at 6 p.m. following the Meet and Greet. Refreshments will be served in the cafeteria.
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
Dooly K-8 Open house flyer 2022
Please be advised that the telephone and email system for Dooly County Schools is temporarily down. The Dooly County Board of Education, located at 202 Cotton Street, Vienna, GA, is open during the regular business hours of 8 a.m.-4 p.m. daily, as well as the Dooly County High School and Dooly K-8 Academy. We will continue to update utilizing the Dooly County Schools app and social media pages. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
Parents - Due to supply chain issues, 5-day meal boxes will NOT be offered for the final two weeks of Summer on July 11th and July 18th.
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
Parents and students: The DCSS Summer Book Bus will be rolling again this Thursday, July 7th (in Vienna at the Square) and Friday, July 8th (in Pinehurst at the square) at 11:00 a.m. to distribute books.
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
book bus schedule
All meal boxes for this week have been picked up. We will not have food boxes next week due to the 4th of July holiday. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
Parents - The truck is here behind the K-8 Academy Kitchen in Pinehurst with the free summer meal boxes today, June 27th. Meal boxes are available for all children up to the age of 18. Availability is on a first come first serve basis. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
All meal boxes for this week have been picked up. School Nutrition will have meal boxes again on Monday, June 27th starting around 10:00 a.m. for children ages 18 and under at the Dooly K-8 Academy. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
Parents- School Nutrition still has meal boxes available for children below the age of 18. The boxes can be picked up at the Dooly K-8 Academy kitchen door before noon, June 22nd. You can drive up to the kitchen door, honk your horn, and someone will bring the boxes out to your vehicle. There will not be anyone at the kitchen after 12 noon. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Public Relations
Parents and students, please be advised that the Dooly County School System book bus is at the Unadilla Community Center and Dooly Bethel Baptist Church today, June 15 until 12:30 p.m. Come on out for free books and snacks.
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
Parents - you may pick up free summer meal boxes behind the K8 Academy in Pinehurst, GA starting at around 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Meal boxes are available for all children up to the age of 18. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
Parents - please be advised that the free summer meals program will run behind about 2 hours today, June 6. You may pick up meal boxes behind the K8 Academy in Pinehurst, Georgia, starting at around noon. We apologize for the delay.
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
HIT Afterschool Students and Your Guardian/Parent: INCENTIVE FIELD TRIP RESCHEDULED We WILL NOT go to Wild Adventures on tomorrow, Thursday, May 26, 2022. We WILL go to Wild Adventures on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. Please call if you have any questions. 404-357-2148
almost 3 years ago, Dooly County K-8 Academy
Report cards will be mailed to parents. For students in grades 3-8, a copy of the GMAS report will be mailed as well.
almost 3 years ago, Dooly County K-8 Academy
Report Card
Please click on the image to view the Summer Vacation Reading Program schedule at the Dooly County Library in Vienna. We hope you will attend.
almost 3 years ago, Dooly County K-8 Academy
DC Library Summer Vacation Reading Program