The Dooly County School System will observe Monday, November 27, 2023, as "Bobcats Wear Teal for Carolyn" in memory of Ms. Carolyn Brooks, former DCHS Assistant Principal and DCSS CEO CCA/CTAE Director, on her birthday and to bring awareness of ovarian cancer.

This week, November 13-17, 2023, is American Education week! it is set aside to celebrate the people who work in our nation’s public schools, everyone from the bus driver and classroom teacher to the cafeteria worker and administrative staff, plus countless others. We celebrate and say thank you to all of our Dooly County School System Staff!! #ThisisDooly! #IamDooly! #WeareDooly!

Pre-K offered a monthly Perfect Attendance Reward for the month of October 2023. The winning class was Ms. McClendon and Ms. Burden’s Class!
Seven students had perfect attendance for the month of October. The winner of the drawing was Zelyah Walker’s dad. Congratulations to all!

Thank you to the Americus Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. for reading to our elementary students during National Children's Book Week!

Dooly County K-8 hosted its annual Veterans Day Program honoring the Veterans in the lives of our students. Guests enjoyed breakfast and a program discussing what it means to be a veteran and in which students expressed gratitude to the men and women who served.

Let's Go Bobcats!!!! All roads lead to The GROVE where the Dooly County Bobcats are taking on the Miller County Pirates in Round 1 of the Playoffs!! See you there!

Greetings Dooly Families!! It's Family Engagement Month Friday and another 5 after 5 segment!! As we continue to recognize the important role families play in the educational achievements of students and the progress of schools, we want to say THANK YOU and SPOTLIGHT five groups of people!!
#5 - Bobcat Legacies - Just like in colleges, legacies matter! We salute the generations of families who continue to enroll and support Dooly County Schools. Bringing your best! Sending your best so that we can be the best!! #CommittedtoGrowth
#4 - Bobcat Extended Family Members - Even though you don't have children in the school system, you continuously attend events and give of your time for other children! Your support of the children is invaluable and greatly appreciated.
#3 - Bobcat Extended Day Staff/Tutors, Club sponsors and Coaches- We know that learning and enrichment extends well beyond the classroom, and you make extraordinary things happen in the leadership, character, social and personal development of our kids! We appreciate your time, love and sacrifices.
#2 - Volunteers and #1 - Partners - One quote states, “Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”. Thank you partners and volunteers for everything you do to make a difference in the lives of our children, our schools, and in our community. We could not do this work without you!!
There you have it! This weeks Family Engagement Month Friday, 5 after 5!! Until next week, #ThisisDooly! #IamDooly! #WeareDooly!

Dooly County School System honors all Veterans and those who also work in our schools. Thank you for your service.

More Mathnasium learning and fun!!

The Dooly K-8 Mathnasium was full of math learning and fun!! Thanks so much to all of the families who participated and the teachers and staff who worked so hard to make the event happen!! #ThisisDooly! #IamDooly! #WeareDooly!

Sending positive vibes to our Dooly County Marching Band, as they are performing today in the North Carolina A&T Homecoming Parade! Represent Bobcats! #ThisisDooly! #IamDooly! #WeareDooly!

Greetings Dooly Families!!! It's Family Engagement Month Friday with our "5 after 5 Segment" where we will focus on 5 Power Points for parents and families!
5 Things After 5:
1 - November Events in the Dooly County School System. See the list of events attached!
2 - November Family Fun Every Day is linked here - https://5il.co/28dpc.
3 - READ! READ! READ! Literacy is the FOCUS! 20 minutes daily!
4 - FREE GA Tutor - https://www.gavirtuallearning.org/gatutor for HS - ELA, MATH, SCIENCE and SOCIAL STUDIES.
5 - GA Home Classroom - AMAZING & free television and digital activities for kids 24/7- gpb.org/learn

We are kicking off AR starting on November 6!!! Please encourage your child to read at least 15-20 minutes a night!!!

Please join us for Mathnasium Night on November 7, 2023 from 6:00-7:00 PM

PBIS Celebration for K-1 is November 8, 2023!

We are getting ready for our PBIS Celebration on Nov. 8, 2023!

Greetings!!!! See the Parent and Family Engagement Policy linked below! Copies in English and Spanish can be found in the Family Resource Center, the Main Office and the Media Center of each School. Don’t hesitate to contact your Family Engagement Team! We love working with you and for you! Parent and Family Engagement Policy Spanish - https://5il.co/283c1 ; English - https://5il.co/282dn

Greetings!!!! Please connect to the Parent and Family Engagement Policy linked below! Copies in English and Spanish will also be located in the Family Resource Center, the Main Office and the Media Center of each school. For more information, don’t hesitate to contact your Family Engagement Team! We trust that you are having a GREAT year, and so appreciate your partnership in educating our children and youth! Parent and Family Engagement Policy Spanish - https://5il.co/283c1 ; English - https://5il.co/282dn #ThisisDooly! #IamDooly! #WeareDooly!

The Dooly K-8 and Dooly County Family Connections held their annual Trunk or Treat & "The Not So Scary Reading Event" on October 27th. Dooly stakeholders participated by decorating trunks, passing out candy, and reading to students at the Dooly County Elementary School. A great time was held by all!
#ThisIsDooly #IAmDooly #WeAreDooly #CommittedtoGrowth.

Let's go Dooly!!! Come show that Bobcat Pride! Come support the Senior Night and our Pink Out for Breast Cancer Awareness @ The GROVE! Don't miss the last home game of the regular season! 7 pm tonight - 10/27/23!