Did you know that a prominent/notable hair care products entrepreneur and businessman is from Byromville, Ga originally? In Honor of Black History Month, Dooly County School System will feature each Wednesday a little known fact about the extraordinary accomplishments of African Americans. This is information that often leaves one saying or thinking, "oh, wow", and the phrase is then mostly followed by "I didn't know that." That was exactly what many Dooly County School System leaders said Monday during a meeting when our Superintendent, Dr. Sherrod Willaford, told us about Mr. Therman McKenzie, Sr. Enjoy reading about him in today's Black History Month Wow Wednesday.
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Dooly County School System gladly joins the nation and world in celebrating the extraordinary courage and accomplishments of African Americans during Black History Month. Our schools celebrate in many ways. If you visit any of our schools, you will see the walls adorned with posters of notable and trailblazing men and women who have made a tremendous impact on our country and the world. In addition, we will feature a Black History Month campaign sharing little known facts and thoughts about local and national greats and the importance of Black History Month. Look for these on Wow Wednesdays and Fridays. To culminate the month, feel free to join the schools for amazing Black History Programs - Dooly County K-8, Tuesday, 2/27/24 at 9 a.m. in the MS Gym and Dooly County High School, 2/29/24 at 2 p.m in the HS Gym.
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
BHM the Arts
It's a historic day at Dooly County High School with 6 student athletes signing on to colleges and universities for National Signing Day. Congratulations to these young men and their families!
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Dooly All
Dooly County School District salutes our professional school counselors this week during National School Counselors Week! Thank you so much for all that you do!
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
School Counselors Week
Dooly County School District joined the American Heart Association for #wearredday to bring awareness to heart health. Faculty, staff and students united with millions of people around the nation in solidarity to eradicate heart disease and stroke. Open your heart and take care of your heart for strength and longevity.
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Red Everywhere
Please contact the school today at 229-645-3421 if you are interested.
about 1 year ago, DCSS Public Relations
It's Soccer time in Dooly County! Please support our teams!
about 1 year ago, Public Relations
2024 girls soccer schedule
2024 boys soccer schedule
Eligibility / Registration Requirements Georgia’s Pre-K Program is free to all 4-year-old children, regardless of parental income. To participate, children must be 4 years of age on or before September 1, 2024 and a resident of Georgia. Requisitos de elegibilidad / registro El programa de Prekínder de Georgia es gratuito para todos los niños de 4 años, independientemente de los ingresos de los padres. Para participar, los niños deben tener 4 años de edad antes del 1 de septiembre de 2024 y ser residentes de Georgia. Please see Ms.Renee Bowens or Mrs. Carla Mahone at DCK-8 Academy for a registration packet. Por favor, Renee Bowens o la Sra. Carla Mahone en DCK-8 Academy para obtener un paquete de registro.
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Pre K Registration
Wear red this Friday in support of the American Heart Association and heart health!!
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Wear Red
Dooly Wear Red
The Georgia Association for Educational Leaders recognized Dooly County School District with the 2023-24 GAEL Vision Award. The Vision Award recognizes school districts that are committed to professional learning and growth for teachers, administrators, and staff.
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
GAEL Vision Award
Christ Chapel Food Distribution Friday! Volunteers Needed! See flyers for details.
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Christ Chapel Volunteers
Christ Chapel food drive
Reaching 1000 points in basketball is a major feet, but Dooly County High School's Jalen Hall has reached 2000!!! Congratulations Jalen on reaching this goal!
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
J. Hall
Dooly County K-4 Students of the Month visit the Museum of Arts and Sciences. An Amazing day with a live animal show, planetarium, and Discovery house. Thanks Rural Education & Innovation/DCSS for this experience! #BuildingAFoundationOfExcellence #StudentOfTheMonth #FieldTrips
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Student Hold the World in Hand
Girls Creating Greatness
Bobcats, we're so proud of your fight in our games tonight against the Macon County Bulldogs! Keep pushing! Great energy and support from our Bobcat fans too! Thanks for showing up for our youth!! #ThisisDooly! #IamDooly! #WeareDooly!! More photo highlights to come tomorrow! Stay tuned!
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Boys in Action
Coach Neal  Time Out
Girls PreGame
LeLe on the Court
Like Mike
MS Support
Students LIVE
We are feeling that Bobcat spirit as we wait for the Dooly County Bobcats to take on the Macon County Bulldogs!! Come on out! The girls take the floor in 30 minutes and the boys at 7:30. $10 entrance fee...See you at DCHS!
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Just in case you missed it, DC K-8 Bobcats shined academically 2nd 9 weeks. Check out photos of students who received honors at the 2nd quarter Honors Program.
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Bobcat Gentlemen
Lester and son
Teacher and her scholars
Extended family Celebrations
Family and Child
Ms Wiggins and son
Former Teacher and Student
The focus of the Dooly County School System's January District Leadership Team meeting was analyzing mid-year school data. After Superintendent, Dr. Sherrod Willaford informed school and district leaders about the Cognia Accreditation process, teams from Dooly K-8 and DCHS presented CCRPI, assessment, attendance, and behavior data. School teams also discussed school improvement goals, action plans and resources being utilized to increase student achievement and school outcomes. January's district recognition went to the following leaders: Cynthia Levatte, Family and Communications Engagement Specialist - Bobby, The Bobcat Spirit Award; Dr. Rodney McBride, DCHS Principal and LaMonika Hill, DCHS Assistant Principal - Game Ball; Dr. Holly Walters, DC K-8 Principal, Rodney Daniels, DC K-5 Assistant Principal and Kristen Anderson, DC 6-8 Assistant Principal - Game Ball; Leeza Streetman, Technology Director - Committed to Growth Award. Congratulations to all of these leaders! #ThisisDooly! #IamDooly! #WeareDooly!
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Levatte - Bobby Bobcat
McBride and Hill
Streetman - Growth
Walters and Team
Please remember that tomorrow, Friday, 1/12/24 is an Asynchronous Learning Day for Dooly County students, and that all schools and offices will be closed Monday, 1/15/24 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's Birthday, a federal holiday. Remember, it's "a Day On, not a Day Off - A Day of Service".
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
MLK Day of Service
The Educational Flexibility (Ed-Flex) program is authorized under the Education Flexibility Partnership Act of 1999 and was reauthorized by section 9207 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The Ed-Flex program allows the Secretary to authorize a State educational agency that serves an eligible State to waive statutory or regulatory requirements applicable to one or more of the included programs for any local educational agency (LEA), educational service agency, or school within the State. The U.S. Department of Education granted this authority to the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) on May 18, 2020. This authority will remain in place through the 2023-2024 school year. This program permits Ed-Flex States to waive requirements of the following State-administered formula grant programs: • Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs (other than section 1111) • Title I, Part C: Education of Migratory Children • Title I, Part D: Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are • Neglected, Delinquent, or At-risk • Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction • Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Dooly County School System will be applying for the Ed-Flex waiver for Title I carryover for FY 24. Public comments are welcome to be shared through the one question Ed Flex Feedback Form (QR Code) or by contacting the Director of Federal Programs, Keshia Douglas at 229.645.3421 or at keshia.douglas@dooly.k12.ga.us. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S
Flex Waiver feedback code
The Dooly County School System School Nutrition Program recently received notification from the Georgia Department of Human Services that the final “clean up” round of P-EBT benefits will be issued from January 8-16, 2024. Please be advised that this final P-EBT payment is only for eligible students in any family that has not already received a summer 2023 P-EBT payment for the 2022-23 school year. Also, please be advised that Dooly County School staff are not able to determine whether or not someone is due additional funds. Parents and caregivers should contact DFACs with any questions. Thanks so much!
about 1 year ago, DCSS F.A.C.E.S