Exciting news! 📢 Our first Family Engagement Newsletter is here! 🗞️
Volume 1 is packed with tips for supporting your child's learning, the importance of attendance, and the exciting news that our Parent Resource Room is officially opening in October!
Check it out using the links below. Let us know what you think!
Together, we're building a stronger school family.
Spanish: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGRNcLsdcs/KYonR968GCbiFpOYYSVn7g/edit?utm_content=DAGRNcLsdcs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Please join us for our Math Storytelling Day on Wednesday, September 23, 2024!

Please see our Hispanic Heritage Month Spirit Days for next week!

Middle Georgia EMC continues to be an outstanding community partner! They recently donated a pallet of water to Dooly County Schools, helping keep our students hydrated and ready to learn. Thank you Middle Georgia EMC for your ongoing support of our school system.

Middle Georgia EMC continues to be an outstanding community partner! They recently donated a case of water to Dooly County Schools, helping keep our students hydrated and ready to learn. Thank you Middle Georgia EMC for your ongoing support of our school system.

Happy National IT Professionals Day!
Dooly County Schools is celebrating our incredible Technology Department today! From troubleshooting tech issues to ensuring our classrooms and offices are seamlessly connected, we appreciate all of your hard work! #ITProfessionalsDay

The Dooly County High School Golden Sound of the South presents:
The First Annual Battle of the Bands
Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: DCHS Football Stadium
Tickets available for purchase at the high school or from any band student. The cost is $10.00.

Just a Reminder! Dooly County Schools will host our Annual Title I Meeting on September 24, 2024. Please make plans to join us at Dooly County High School starting at 5:30pm!

The first 2024 - 25 Migrant Education Program (MEP) Parent Advisory Council (PAC) will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 24 right before the DCSS Annual Title I meeting for all parents! It will be a full afternoon of exciting engagement for all stakeholders!
El primer Consejo Asesor de Padres (PAC) del Programa de Educación Migrante (MEP) 2024-25 se llevará a cabo el martes 24 de septiembre, justo antes de la reunión anual del Título I del DCSS para todos los padres. ¡Será una tarde llena de participación emocionante para todas las partes interesadas!

Picture Day is September 30, 2024!

Communities in Schools, Dooly K-8, and Dooly County Family Engagement invite all male role models to join us at Dooly County K8 on September 20 at 7:30AM for the Million Father's March. Come walk our students to class, give words of inspiration and ensure our students have a great day!

The Dooly County School System extends our heartfelt condolences to the Barrow County School System community during this unimaginably difficult time. We stand with you in grief and solidarity. While words cannot adequately express the depth of this tragedy or ease its pain, please know that our thoughts are with all those affected. We offer our full support to the students, families, educators, and staff of Barrow County as you navigate the days ahead.

Excitement was in the air at Dooly County School System's Professional Learning Day! We kicked off the day with Code of Ethics training led by PAGE attorney Alfreda Sheppard. Our 6th-8th grade math teachers engaged with Carnegie Learning consultant Crystal Clayton, while K-3 ELA teachers explored the science of reading with Rebecca Loera with the Rollins Center, and high school educators collaborated with Dr. Dickey from Educational Epiphany to design impactful lessons. It was a day full of learning, growth, and inspiration for our incredible educators!

September Breakfast and Lunch Menus

Please see the PBIS Kick-Off Week Activities for Sept. 3-6, 2024

Dooly County students will have an asynchronous learning day on
August 30, 2024. All Dooly County Schools & offices will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024. We will see you all back on Tuesday, September 3, 2024!

Addressing chronic absence is a key component of improving graduation rates, increasing academic achievement and giving young people the best chance at success in their adult life. Join the Attendance Awareness Campaign and make a difference for the Dooly community. http://bit.ly/1oqfID7

Attention‼️ Progress Reports for the 1st Nine Weeks go home Thursday, August 29, 2024 with students.

Attention‼️ Friday, August 30, 2024 will be an Independent Learning Day for students.
Dooly K-8 will be closed on September 2, 2024 in observance of Labor Day! School will resume on September 3, 2024.
Enjoy your Learning Day and holiday weekend!

We are so excited to celebrate and see our Grandparents! Please see the dates for the Grandparent's Luncheon on the flyer below. A copy will be sent home with students as well. #DoolyUnited #BuildingAFoundationOfExcellence #GrandparentsDay