Free Summer Meals for all Dooly County Children ages 18 & Younger. Pick up your child(ren)'s 5-Day meal box every Monday in June at the Dooly County Schools' Annex Building, 200 9th Street, Vienna, GA. Beginning at 10 a.m. - while supplies last.
almost 2 years ago, Public Relations
summer meals flyer 2023
Due to the possibility of rain, the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Dooly County High School football and track field has been moved up to 6:30 p.m. tonight. We hope to see you there! Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Public Relations
The DCSS Book Bus will be rolling out again this summer. Enjoy books and a snack during the month of June. Check out the flyer for the dates, times, and locations.
almost 2 years ago, Public Relations
updated  book flyer
It has been a great school year! Friday, May 19th, is the last day of school and early dismissal. Students in grades 3-8 are invited to participate in our “Color Run” for a $5 donation to our REACH scholarship fund!! #AchievingExcellenceTogether #ColorRun #ColorFun
almost 2 years ago, Public Relations
color run graphic with shoes
Join us online Friday, May 5th, 8:00 a.m. for the Parent Advisory Council Meeting. Below is the virtual meeting link: You can also dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) United States: +1 (571) 317-3112 - One-touch: tel:+15713173112,,619583549# Access Code: 619-583-549
almost 2 years ago, Public Relations
FYI - Please check out these dates for the May Food Drives in Unadilla.
almost 2 years ago, Public Relations
png flyer may food drive
png food giveaway
This is a reminder of today's Virtual Title I Stakeholder's Meeting for Dooly K-8 from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) United States: +1 (571) 317-3112 - One-touch: tel:+15713173112,,619583549# Access Code: 619-583-549
almost 2 years ago, Public Relations
almost 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
Don't miss out on the latest DCSS events and news. Download our app today! It can be downloaded on the Apple App Store or Google Play. It is a convenient and user friendly app that keeps our community and stakeholders informed. See more details below.
almost 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
download our app
The Dooly County School System will be on spring break next week (April 3rd-7th, 2023). Students are to return to school on Monday, April 10th. Everyone be safe and enjoy!
almost 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
The Dooly County 21st CCLC will be hosting another Financial Literacy Night on this Thursday, March 30th, at 5:30 PM. The event will be held in the library at Dooly County High School. We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
Financial Literacy Night
It's U.S. National School Social Work Week. The DCSS would like to recognize our Student Services Director: Dr. Ursula Harris. Thank you for all that you do for the Dooly County School System and community!
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
National SSW Week
This week marks U.S. National School Social Work Week for school social workers. We hope you will make some great plans to celebrate as well as receive much-deserved recognition for the vital role that you provide to students, administrators, teachers, educators, parents, and the community! ​The theme for National School Social Work Week 2023 is “We Rise.” School Social Workers rise up - supporting their students, families, and school communities. School Social Workers rise to share hope. They rise to listen and understand. They rise to challenge inequities. They rise to support all students. Dooly County School System wants to personally thank Dr. Ursula Harris and Ms. Kimberly Floyd for the social services they provide to our students and school family. We are truly blessed to have them on our team. Please thank a social worker today! #WeRise2023 #SSWWeek2023
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
we  rise
Track season is upon us! The DCHS AND DCMS track schedules are below. Be sure to come out and support our Bobcats this season🐾💛❤️
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
track schedule
February 15th was National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day. The Dooly County School System would like to recognize Captain David Jones. According to the National Association for School Resource Officers, “The SRO assignment is unique within the law enforcement profession. These officers fill a three-part role, serving as informal mentors or counselors, law educators and law enforcement officers to support the students, and communities they serve. They are valuable and essential members of the education community who deserve unwavering respect and support from the public in the pursuit of keeping schools and students safe.” Captain Jones is passionate about his job, and cares about our scholars. Thank you for all that you do for our district!
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
FYI: Substitute Teacher Training
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
Substitue Teacher Training
Congratulations to Dooly County Elementary School on being selected as a High Flying School at the 2023 National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference.
about 2 years ago, Public Relations
Congrats DCES
You can view today's DCSS Title III meeting by clicking on the link below. The meeting starts at 8:30 a.m., Thurs., Feb. 2, 2023. DCSS Parent Family Engagement Meeting You can also dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) United States: +1 (571) 317-3112 - One-touch: tel:+15713173112,,619583549# Access Code: 619-583-549
about 2 years ago, Public Relations
The DCSS 21st CCLC After School Program would like for parents to complete this survey. It is to collect information from parents for an opportunity we would like to provide through our family services. Use the link and QR Code on the flyer to sign up. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer
Good morning Bobcats! The Department of Federal Programs will be having a Title III Part A Meeting: Parent Appreciation Breakfast and Informational Training on Thursday, February 2, 2023 from 8:30-9:30 AM. This meeting will be at the Dooly K8 Academy in the elementary cafeteria. Join us and learn about Title III, Part A Supplemental Services for students and parents. Registration Links and More info Below: English Registration: Spanish Registration:
about 2 years ago, Lauren Sawyer