This Month's Coin of Distinction Recipient: Dr. Sherrod Willaford
From Captain David Jones, Nominator
Dr. Willaford is a great leader that is respected by everyone that has ever met him. He is a seasoned administrator and educator with a great vision of what can be accomplished by the Dooly County School System. He has an obvious love for what he does and does it well.
His passion for the success of the students and people under his supervision is undeniable. I have learned that even if you think things are not going as you feel they should, Dr. Willaford is there to encourage you with great words of wisdom and reflection.
He is a noble leader and very deserving of the coin of distinction.
![Dr. Sherrod Willaford](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1731612/large_October_Coin_of_Distinction_Recipient-_Dr._Sherrod_Willaford.jpg)
We’re thrilled to announce Dooly County School
System’s new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus,
news updates, even emergency notifications. Download the
app on Android: https://bit.ly/2NQVKSM or iPhone:
![app download on google play and apple store](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1703728/large_facebook_featured_image.png)
Don't forget that the Title I Dooly K-8 Learning Fair is tonight starting at 6 P.M. You can access the Learning Fair virtually by going to https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/619583549.
Dooly County School System proudly recognizes the Class of 2021-22 Teachers Matter! Educators. These teachers are recognized for going above and beyond by earning additional endorsements to their teaching certificates. These Teacher Leaders are working hard to improve their craft so they can be better teachers for students. Each recipient receives an annual stipend for earning endorsements as well as the title of becoming a Teacher Leader. Congratulations!
![Teachers Matter!](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1656652/large_Teachers_Matter__Class_of_2021-22__1_.jpg)
From Captain David Jones, Nominator:
“Mr. Williams is a man of many hats. I am not exactly sure what his job description is, but it probably falls under utility player because he can do anything asked of him and does it all while wearing a smile. Mr. Williams selfless service does not go unnoticed as he is well liked and respected by his peers and the students he encounters every day. If you can’t find Mr. Williams in the media center, just check the cafeteria, the hallways, a classroom, or heading up the concession stand. He is a jack of all trades with a dedication of loyal service to this school system and I highly recommend him for the coin of distinction.” It’s a GREAT Day to be Bobcat!
Use this link for tonight's annual Dooly County High School Title I Parent Engagement Meeting at 6 PM using GoToMeeting. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/619583549
Here is the link to join the Dooly K-8 Title 1 meeting virtually using GoToMeet tonight at 6 PM. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/619583549
This is a reminder that the Annual Title I Parent Meeting for Dooly K-8 will be held tonight, August 26, 6 PM. You may attend in person or virtually using the GoToMeeting link found on the District webpage under News. Those attending in person should follow established COVID guidelines.
The Dooly County Board of Education will have a called board meeting on Friday, August 27th, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. in room 101 of the Central Office located at 202 E. Cotton, Street, Vienna, GA 31092 (media only due to limited seating and the CDC guidelines). The primary purpose of the meeting is the Millage rate, Chromebooks, and calculators. The public may view the meeting via Facebook Live from the Dooly Schools Facebook page.
Phoebe Wellness Clinic will administer the COVID-19 vaccine to GA residents ages 12 and up at Dooly County High School on Thursday, August 26th from 9 A.M. until 4 P.M . Appointments are requested. Call 229-312-M.Y.M.D. Walks up are accepted. You will be asked to wear a mask, be evaluated for COVID symptoms, be allowed to bring one person with you, and be asked to remain in the area for 15 minutes following the shot for evaluation.
![combat covid aug 2021](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1572692/large_MMU_Vaccine_Event_Dooly_County_High_School_8-26-21_2a1024_1__1_.jpg)
Parents/Guardians, please do not forget to return the McKinney-Vento Student Housing Survey by Wed., August 25. Click here for a copy of the survey. https://5il.co/xcv8
Parents/Guardians: The McKinney-Vento Housing Survey is due back to the schools on August 25.
The Annual Title I Parent Engagement Meetings for Dooly K-8 Academy will be held on August 26th at 6 P.M. and on August 31st at 6 P.M. for Dooly County High School. Please go to the District webpage for the flyers and to register for the meetings.
Scrimmage game against Atkinson County has been cancelled due to facilities issues in Atkinson County.
![Dooly vs Atkinson](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1543845/large_dooly_vs_atkinson_cancelled.png)
We encourage all parents/guardians to please complete the Title I Parent/Family Engagement Survey for 2021-2022. Your input is greatly needed and valued. Please complete the survey found on the district or school website under News.
Alentamos a todos los padres/tutores a completar la Encuesta de ParticipaciĂłn de Padres/Familias del TĂtulo I para 2021-2022. Su aportaciĂłn es muy necesaria y valorada. Por favor complete la encuesta que se encuentra en el sitio web del distrito o la escuela en Noticias.
![parent survey](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1542490/large_parent_survey.jpg)
Updated Mask Requirements for Dooly County Schools
![Updated Mask Requirements](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1532688/large_Mask_Updates.png)
'Headed to the top': Dooly County Schools first in the mid state heading back to class
Dear Dooly County School System Families,
The delta variant of the COVID-19 virus continues to plague our nation and the world. As of this writing, only 26% of the Dooly County population has been vaccinated, and children under the age of 12 are currently not eligible for vaccines. We are following CDC/DPH guidance, and masks are required on school buses and highly recommended in classrooms. The Principals and Teachers will let you know if they are requiring masks in classrooms/schools for health purposes. Requirements can change at any time, so please be flexible. We will follow public health guidance and alert families if long-term changes are necessary. Please bring masks to school, socially distance yourselves when possible, remain home when you are sick, and consider vaccination at your earliest convenience if you are able to do so. We will get through this together. Thank you.
Dr. Craig Lockhart
FY22 DCSS Convocation
![DCSS Convocation](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1525344/large_DoolyWagingWar_Revised_Layout_2__2_.jpg)
Today, July 19th, free 7-day meal boxes for ALL Dooly County children, ages 18 and younger. No registration or application required. Parents can pick up today from 8 to 10:30 A.M. behind the K-8 Academy in Pinehurst. First come, first served. Please spread the word!