Please see the August 2024 breakfast and lunch menu for DCK8!

Mark your calendars for the Back to School Bash!

Correction: We are so excited about the 2024 - 25 school year!! Please join us TUESDAY, July 30th for Open House - a great time to meet administrators, teachers, reunite with friends and collaborate with other families!!!

We are so excited about the 2024 - 25 school year!! Please join us for Open House - a great time to meet administrators, teachers, reunite with friends and collaborate with other families!!!

See you at Open House 2024!

Join us for the STEM Bus Event at Jewell Bowens Park in Unadilla, today from 2:30-4 p.m. Dooly County School Nutrition will provide frozen treats for school age children.

"Mr. Norman Dexter was sworn in as Interim Board Member for District 2 on Monday, July 8, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the Dooly County Courtroom."

FYI: Dooly STEM Bus will be at Jewell Bowens Park in Unadilla on Wed., July 10, 2:30-4 p.m. for all school-aged students. Enjoy STEM activities and a book giveaway! See you there!

Good morning Bobcat Nation! Please see the DCSS Notice regarding Fundraisers and Donations. Thank you for supporting our scholars and adhering to these policies and guidelines.

FYI: This is the last day of Summer feeding today at the Dooly County High School. Pick up begins at 10:30 a.m. This will include lunch and breakfast for 7 days. Free to all children ages 0-18 years of age. Look for the cones at the high school.

Please be advised that the 21st CCLC Summer Program WILL NOT be in session Wednesday, June 19, 2024, in observance of Juneteenth.
The Pre-K Summer Transition Program WILL BE in session on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.
Thank you

From the Dooly County School System, Happy Father's Day to all fathers who are the superheroes in your families offering wisdom, love, guidance and sacrifices as amazing dads!
We acknowledge, support and salute all of you, all Dooly County School System fathers, all father figures and appreciate all that you do for your children and the children of Dooly County Schools!
Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are missing their fathers today as well. May you be encouraged and find strength daily.

Dooly parents, this is a reminder about the summer feeding starting today at 10:30 a.m. at Dooly County High School. Look for the cones.

Dooly County School System Board of Education is now accepting letters of interest for the District 2 Seat for unexpired seat of Andrew Felton, II. Please respond if interested based on information below. Thank you Mr. Felton for your service.

Dooly County School Board members attended the Georgia School Board Association's Summer Conference to close out 2024 and gear up for the 2025 school year! #B.I.GDooly! #BuildingIntentionalGreatness!

Yes, it summer, but it's full STEAM ahead for Dooly County School System students! From the STEM Bus/Mobile Classroom, Summer Bridge at the High School and 21st Century for K-12 housed at the K-8, students are engaged in experiential learning, honing their academic skills, and expanding their creativity with science, technology, engineering, art and math, as well as literacy. Enjoy a few highlights from the first week of our amazing summer programs including the Summer Book Bash! You will even see teachers getting in on the fun!

This week, the Dooly County School System District Leadership Team and the DC Board of Education met together for an End of the Year Retreat. The first day was instructionally focused with the 2nd day centering around operations. The Board acknowledged the district's accomplishments over the past school year, as they received updates on the system's current strategic plan. It was a great display of shared leadership with an emphasis on collaboration. accountability, and ownership - three essential tenets of "the Dooly Way".

Report cards will be mailed

21st CCLC Summer Program
Important Reminder: Mandatory Orientation for Parents/Students
Mandatory parent and student orientation will be held on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. and Friday, may 31, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.
You ONLY MUST attend one of the orientation sessions to reserve your child's slot in the program.

See you at the Book Bash tomorrow !!! Details included in the flyer!