Vienna, Ga--- December 12, 2022

After years of focused school improvement strategies and improved curriculum delivery, Dooly County K-8 Academy and Dooly County High School have been removed from the list of lowest performing schools by the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE). The schools were placed on the GaDOE’s Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) list in 2017, which identified the lowest performing 5% of Title I schools in the state. The middle school of Dooly K-8 was not identified as a CSI school but received state support as well. 

“This was a remarkable feat by the students, teachers, administration, staff, parents, and our Board of Education, especially since a part of this time was during the COVID-19 pandemic when we had to entirely rethink how we taught,” says Superintendent Dr. Craig Lockhart. “Every person and organization that played a role in this endeavor deserves our appreciation.”

I want to recognize past and present teachers, leaders, support staff, families, and, most of all, the students for their commitment to excellence. The Chattahoochee-Flint RESA and the Georgia Department of Education were instrumental in our success, and we thank them for their support and service.

The Dooly schools have been cleared of all low performing lists and are now considered academically appropriate schools in Georgia. While the focused strategies, improved delivery, and intensive supports that were put in place during this process will no longer be provided by the state, each school has put in place systems to sustain and continue the improvements.

“The classroom teacher is the number one factor in increasing student achievement, and leadership is the number one factor for implementing successful school improvement,” adds Dr. Lockhart. “We are moving in the right direction, and we are positioned to do greater things in the future. This is indeed a great day to be a Bobcat!” 

“While we have greatly improved and are proud to no longer be on this list, we still have work to do,” says Dr. Lockhart. “Our goal is to rank among the highest performing Title I Schools in the state, and we are dedicated and determined to meet this lofty goal.” Congratulations to the Dooly County School System.


Dr. Craig Lockhart
