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McKinney-Vento Services for Homeless Children &Youth

Public schools identified nearly 1.3 million children and youth experiencing homelessness in the 2019-2020 school year – an all-time record and roughly the population of Dallas, Texas. Another 1.4 million young children under age six â€“ infants, toddlers, and preschoolers – are estimated to experience homelessness. In addition to children who experience homelessness with their parents, at least one in thirty adolescents ages 13-17, and nearly one in ten young adults 18-24, are estimated to experience homelessness on their own. These numbers are now likely much higher as a result of the pandemic and related economic and family stress.

During the 21-22 school year, DCSS identified 108 students who met the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless. This includes students and families who are:

  • doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship
  • In a motel or campground duel to lack of alternative adequate accommodations
  • In a car, park, abandoned building, or train/bus station
  • In a shelter

These numbers may surprise you, because you don’t see children, youth, and families in the same way that you see adults who experience homelessness. Most children and youth experiencing homelessness are not visible in shelters or on the streets, but rather moving from place-to-place, couches, basements, motels, cars, and wherever they can find temporary refuge

Schools and early childhood programs provide children and youth experiencing homelessness with the education and skills to cope, learn, earn, and succeed in the long-term; they provide safety, stability, and access to food, health and mental health services, and caring, supportive adults.

if you would like to learn more, please watch the short clip below, view information at ,  as well as reach out to the DCSS McKinney-Vento liaison!