The Georgia Department of Education released its 2019-20 high school graduation rates on November 10, 2020. Dooly County High School has earned a graduation rate of 90.24%, the highest rating DCHS has received since calculations began in 2012. This means that the 2016-2017 freshman class had 90.24% of its students to complete high school in a four-year period. The Dooly County High school graduation rate surpasses the state of Georgia 2019-20 four-year graduation rate of 83.8 %, meaning that Dooly County once again beat the state average.

“This is only the beginning of what is to come as we continue to ‘Head to the Top,’ Dooly County High School Principal Jerry Sanders states. I would like to congratulate the teachers and students for a job well done. I would also like to thank the administrative team for their support. As principal, I would like all stakeholders to know the best is yet to come.”

Superintendent Dr. Craig Lockhart adds, “Graduating high school on time is a feat accomplished by the combined efforts of families, students, and all teachers, leaders, faculty and staff from birth up to the senior year. While we are very pleased with these results, we will not stop until we reach 100% of our students earning a high school diploma. I wholeheartedly congratulate the Class of 2020 who are living up to their fullest potential by completing high school. This is Dooly, and we are indeed Headed to the TOP!”


Dr. Craig Lockhart